Friday, August 18, 2006


When you turn 18, things get a little more serious.

When I was 3 months past 18, I was at the end of my second year of college. I was
studying computer science and economics.

My hair already grew back from the laser hair removal I had a year ago, my yahoo
domain page was down for a while now, I had a girlfriend who didn't stop
laghing at me because of the laser hair removal, and everything pretty much was
as it should be. I was even taking some vitamins she told me would be good for me.

Do you all know the feeling that when everything is too good, something wrong has
to happen? or, you feel something is missing?

Well it all came together...

One day I got a phone call telling me that I had to refinance my car.
Then about a week later, I had to renew my school loan for the third year.
Then on the same day I drove my car into a brick post (a low one on the sideway).

But that wasn't the worst of it.
What happened next was my nightmare come true:

One saturday morning, my girlfriend (Ally) sais to me:"Ori, are you pregnant?"
She laghed really hard as she was saying it, but in every joke there is some truth.

If you have been fighting weight problems like me, you know that these jokes are
not as funny as they sound.

I acted cool, laghed about it with her, made her some coffee, and the as soon as she left,
I ran to the mirror in my bathroon and took off my shirt.

When you look at yourself in the mirror, you don't look fat. That's a fact.
When you look at yourself in the mirror for 15 minutes, you look fat, that's also a fact.

I had to take some serious mesures. Whaen you tink you are fat, everything changes,
your self esteeme suddenly drops, you feel suddenly tired, you get lazy, and for some reason
I will never understand, you get hungry more freaquently.

Sorry guys, I have to go now. My son needs me.

I'll continue tomorrow.
Good luck and good health to you.

Learn about weight loss through my life story.
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